
All our members follow our Code of Ethics.

Code of Ethics

Every association member obtains and maintains institutional registration by the Government regulator(s) appropriate to the level of the program(s) offered by the member.

Every association member obtains and maintains program accreditation by the Government regulator(s) appropriate to the level(s) of the program(s) offered by the member.

Association members will ensure that students and sponsors are fully counselled on the programmes of education available at their respective institutions, which are most suited to the student’s needs.

Association members will ensure that sponsors and students are provided with all of the supporting information necessary for them to make an informed decision about their program of study..

All programs conducted by Association members will be to the standard presented to the sponsor and student at time of recruitment

All contacts whatsoever made by Association members will be maintained without prejudice or partiality in regard to economic circumstance, race, colour, creed, or religion.

Association members will ensure that those representing their organisations have the level of competence necessary to carry out the role assigned to them.

All relevant laws and regulations pertaining to or affecting members’ business operations will be observed in all respects, both by members’ employees and others who are engaged in any way whatsoever in representing their organisations.

No member will knowingly misrepresent the position, reputation, or service of any other industry participant.

Members will finance their operations in such a way that fees paid are protected and services paid for are delivered as initially

Members will take all appropriate steps to ensure the protection, welfare and academic development of the students entrusted to their care and, where appropriate, sponsors will be kept honestly and fully informed.

Members’ directors and senior staff will at all times behave honestly and with integrity in their business dealings.

Our current constitution is also available for download.