Using Technology To Enhance Learning
Twenty members of WAPETIA and ACPET were today fortunate to participate in the latest of WAPETIA’s Professional Development Workshops for 2014.
Ben Beaton, Director of Information Learning Technologies at Methodist Ladies College took participants through a lively two-hour session where we learned about TPACK, SAMR, TED-ED, iTUNES U and iBOOKS to name just a few acronyms. For those of you who missed out then WAPETIA hopes to hold a second instalment in 2015. As well as showcasing the MLC advancements Robyn Dupuis from Phoenix Academy introduced the Phoenix Portal to the audience. The portal uses MOODLE as a platform and Robyn was able to explain how the up skilling of Phoenix’s staff competencies were garnered. We all went away with new knowledge and feeling quite inspired to apply this new knowledge to our institution. Blended delivery is the new methodology in the modern classroom and Ben was able to lead us through the strategic planning that needs to occur in order to make change happen happily in our colleges.