Australian Professional Skills Institute

Provider No: 03255G
CRICOS Provider Code: 03255G,
National Provider Number: 52007
ABN: 65-131-433-433
Unit 12, Wellington Fair
40 Lord Street, East Perth WA 6004
Phone 1300-883-673
Australian Professional Skills Institute is founded by a group of highly experienced managers and specialists in vocational education and training in Australia. Currently APS Institute has hospitality, aged care and business courses registered on its scope. APS Institute is licensed to award nationally recognized qualifications under Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
APS Institute strives to provide quality training that will focus on enabling students with diverse backgrounds to acquire skills and knowledge that are nationally recognised and sought after by employers, and at the same time maximize their options for lifelong education. APS Institute’s training courses give students the edge in their next career move.
APS Institute provides students vocational training courses and pathways to university degrees in Australia. Our staff has strong commitment to delivering exceptional graduate outcomes through teaching excellence and engaging with our profession.
At APS Institute, students will enjoy a highly personalized and multicultural environment that aims to help the students to gain the skills to succeed in life. APS Institute focuses on both theoretical and practical training to provide a well-balanced delivery of all training courses.
In some courses, APS Institute’s students are required to complete workplace training or work experience as part of their studies. Through a structured workplace training program, students enjoy the benefits of gaining practical work experience in Australia.

- Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
- Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
- Diploma of Hospitality Management (Cookery Specialisation)
- Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management (Cookery Specialisation)
- Certificate III in Hospitality
- Diploma of Hospitality Management
- Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management
Aged Care and Home and Community Care
10 Reasons Why you should study at APS Institute:
- Work Place Training included into our Study Plan
- Smaller Class Size for Personalized and Individual Attention from Trainers
- Flexible Payment Option and Reasonable Tuition Fees
- Strategic Location and Easy Access to Public Transportation
- Strong Ties with the Industry
- Friendly Teaching Staff with Industrial Experience
- Multicultural Environment with Students from all around the World
- Great Student Support from Student Services Team
- Course Study that adheres to the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF)
- Hands on Training as well as Problem Based Solving Study Plan
To find out more about APSI, please call 1300-737-055 or email